Conclusion This victim was exposed approximately homogeneous to radiation. The diagnoses of was made slight bone marrow form of acute radiation sickness of the bone marrow with acute radiation injuries ⅳ° of skin of the right hand. 结论综合判断患者受到比较均匀的照射,确诊为轻度骨髓型急性放射病伴急性放射性右手皮肤损伤Ⅳ°。
Water is the major constituent of organism and is homogeneous media, so as the first step one is to study the interaction between radiation and water ( from water vapor to water liquid), and then put the DNA in water. 由于活的生物体往往是由80%以上的水构成,而且生物体的密度和水相近,而水是均匀介质,理论处理较为简单,所以先研究射线和水的相互作用。